Episode 12 – Drunkenness and Drug Abuse Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Email Share on Whatsapp The Counterfeit Life – Part 6 It’s no secret that drug and alcohol abuse leads to a life of brokenness and regret, but why are so...
Episode 4 – The All-You-Can-Eat Media Buffet Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Email Share on Whatsapp We live in a media saturated society and like a food buffet we tend to pile too much on our plate. This episode is about the...
Episode 1 – Not Evil, but Powerful Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Email Share on Whatsapp Is Media Talk 101 anti-media or anti-technology? Some people may have knee-jerk reactions to a ministry about discernment and caution in...
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