Episode 54 – Parents, Look Up!

Episode 54 – Parents, Look Up!

Episode 54 – Parents, Look Up! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Email Share on Whatsapp The old saying “actions speak louder than words” is clearly portrayed in the parent-child relationship.  What you do as a parent can influence...
Episode 31 – Prepare Your Minds for Action

Episode 31 – Prepare Your Minds for Action

Episode 31 – Prepare Your Minds for Action Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Email Share on Whatsapp We are instructed to have well trained minds for the purpose of action in God’s kingdom.  With our attention divided by the...
Episode 30 – Your Brain is Plastic

Episode 30 – Your Brain is Plastic

Episode 30 – Your Brain is Plastic Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Email Share on Whatsapp Is there hope for the media addict, who has spent years training his brain to master video games or to just veg’ out in front of TV, to break...